In recent exhibitions RECY has presented its innovative solutions for plastics recycling, drawing much attention and getting positive feedback from customers.
Our priority is to strengthen the Business by expanding our sales networks, with a focus on developing new partnerships and collaborations with companies and organisations in different sectors.
This expansion has enabled RECY to reach new markets and customers, strengthening its position as a key player in the recycling industry.
In addition, RECY is actively working to find a new sustainable model, due to the new PPWR regulations on R-PET and the plastic packaging supply chain, with a strong focus on sustainable practices to ensure responsible recycling handling.
In fact, our company has implemented a series of green initiatives to reduce its environmental impact and promote acircular economy. Thanks to its cutting-edge technologies and the ongoing efforts of its R&D department, RECY lines save energy and water and reduce greenhouse gas emissions while preserving natural resources.
RECY is able to create a closed loop by managing all stages of recycling, such as sorting, washing, drying, separation and storage, up to turnkey lines.
With its strong presence at trade shows, expanding sales network, and commitment to sustainability, RECY continues to make a significant impact in the recycling industry and beyond.
By promoting the importance of recycling in the ecosystem, RECY is helping create a more sustainable future for all of us.